When Should I Make a Claim with My Insurance Company?

You're sitting in traffic, minding your own business while listening to the last episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. Then it happens. One minute you're enjoying the podcast, the next some teen on their phone barrels into the back of your car, and you find yourself halfway over your dashboard, with a stiff neck.

Maybe you wake up one morning and walk down to the living room to discover that a burglar broke in and stole all your possessions during the night. Even worse, a tornado rips through your town and tears the roof off your home.

Thank goodness for your insurance policy.

Sure, we don't need to claim for every disturbance or accident in our lives, but there are times when your insurance policy comes in handy. Let's unpack when you should file an insurance claim.


What Is an Insurance Claim?

An insurance claim involves you claiming against the benefits provided to you by your insurance policy. The claim is a formal request to your insurer for financial reparation for lost, stolen, damaged., or destroyed assets listed in your policy details.

The Difference Between Car and Homeowners Insurance

When filing a claim, it's usually the dame process for both homeowners and car insurance policyholders. While both products offer you insurance, they come with wildly different terms.

It's critical that you understand the terms and conditions surrounding your insurance policy. Many homeowners and car owners don't bother reading up on their policy details, which comes back to bite them when filing a claim.

However, both types of insurance are necessary if you want to own a home or drive a car. Paying attention to the specifics of your policy details ensures that you get the right cover to suit your needs.

When Should I Make a Claim with My Insurance Company?

When you experience damage, loss, or theft of your property, you have the option of filing a claim with your insurer to recover the financial loss. However, when do you know it's worthwhile filing an insurance claim?

Your insurer will charge you a "deductible" on your claim. Some insurers make this a set cash value, or they could tie it to a percentage of the repair or replacement costs to your car or home.

Typically, the rule is that you should only file an insurance claim if the claim value is more than the deductible. Every time you file a claim, your insurer increases your risk profile and your premium payment.

So, if you're intending on claiming for a few hundred bucks, it's not going to be worth your while in the hassle involved, the damage it does to your risk profile, and the expense of the deductible.

So, when is the right time to file an insurance claim? Here are a few scenarios where you can consider filing a claim with your insurer.

If There Is an Injury to Any Party

If you're in a car accident or an accident in your home resulting in damage to property and people, the liability could be extreme. Your insurance will cover the replacement costs of your property, and they will settle any legal liability.

When the Liability is Unclear

Contact your insurer if you're in a car accident where the liability is unclear as to who caused the accident. If there is confusion around who caused the accident, it's better to let the insurance companies battle it out with each other.

In the event of a Total Loss

If you write off your car or thieves clean out the possessions in your home, file an insurance claim. Large losses will set you back financially, and the insurer will cover the replacement costs, and you only have to worry about paying your deductible.

Contact Florida Public Adjusters for Assistance

Filing an insurance claim is a hassle. If you're involved in any of the scenarios listed above, you don't really have any option but to file a claim with your insurer.

The insurance company will send an adjuster to review the damage or loss to your property. The adjuster's goal is to throw out your claim if they can find a reason to do so. The reality is that the adjuster works for the insurer, not you.

As a result, you could end up getting half the money you expect with your insurance claim. Hiring Florida Public adjusters ensures that this scenario doesn't happen to you.

Florida Public Adjusters work for you, not your insurer. We'll take care of the hassle of filing and following up on your claim, getting you the best payout possible from your insurer.

United Claim Clinic Mission Statement

At United Claim Clinic our number one mission is to educate consumers about the insurance claim process. Sometimes we can equip people with the knowledge to navigate a claim by themselves. For more complicated claims, we are here to be an advocate for the insured to see that the carrier fulfills their obligation to get your property and life back to normal.